Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Monday

Okie, so it was a loooooonnnnngggggg-ass day at work. It was just like non-stop and there are not enough hours in the day to meet all of the workload. I'm exhausted just from the switching gears, and the immediacy of everybody's needs. I REALLY can't wait 'til this hiring freeze Bullshit ends! And to have one of my stations breathe down my neck.
I digress......

So tonight in class we checked out our peers' online handles. It was REALLY cool, and actually inspired me to check out some nifty youtube schtuff!

Ugh! I needs to continue reading for my other media class....and go to bed! I want to TRY to get in early (get soooo much more accomplished when people aren't coming up). On another note, I totally have performance anxiety at work. I think I'm a hard worker, but it's soooo hard when they expect you to complete the quality work of 2-3 people.

Okay, so evidently this post is my belly-aching about my job. I really love my job though. It has enabled me to leave my small hometown in Ohio, come back to the east coast and reconnect with family. I really enjoy what I do, it's just a sign of the times. :-/

I hope this isn't too self-indulgent. I think that's my fear about this outlet.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Post

So, this is my first post to my brand-new and improved blog!-Not that I actually had one already. Yay! Exciting. I guess I'm a little hesitant about projecting my thoughts out on the world-wide web! I'm sooo intimidated by the permanence of it and one can't really edit what they say once it's in cyberspace~ so they say. And 'they' say a lot. =0)

This could be a fun thing. I suppose it will evolve my digital understanding, and pave my presence on the web. Facebook and myspace are a thing of the past for me, but still serve a purpose. This is going to be my new handle to my identity. This could also prove to be a therapeutic outlet for the mind expansion my head is currently enduring. With this blog- thingy, I think I just got like 5 new wrinkles on my brain :P

I promise more thought-provoking stuff in the near future. Right now I'm still trying to find my 'digital voice' and get used to it.

Understanding Media Studies

I'm currently enrolled in this class called understanding media studies of which this blog was initially created. I find Media VERY interesting, however, I'm still scratching the surface of what it's all about. The theory/philosophy fascinates me the most and its neural impact on each one of us that is projected out into the social world.