Monday, March 15, 2010

My First Abstacts~ feels like a kodak moment

Cheryl Names
Discussion Sec. 7580
Abstract #2~ 3/8/10

The central thesis of Tracking Technology: Web Offers a Balanced Worldview is the investigation of how the events of September 11th, 2001 catalyzed people turning to foreign media online to gain a more balanced worldview (293). It goes on to describe the tension some of these English-language publications had to deal with whilst providing an international cast of suspects in Afghanistan and Pakistan where they’re published. The major concepts central to this work are the events following September 11th and how some foreign nations played fundamental roles during that period. The author defines these terms focusing on the U.S. and the nations(s) who were suspected to be responsible.. Lappin also looked into media reaction in countries accused of participating in attack on the U.S. The research methods include interviews with the website creator of a site that has a directorial list of links to thousands of publications from over a hundred countries, and the acting director of a close-proximity to conflict zone foreign publication. Lappin also used quantitave method tracking page visitors and how the frequency spiked the day after September 11th. The only criticism I have is that.the tracking software showed numbers of visitors but not which countries they are coming from. However, this article offers some great resources accessible to foreign media.

Works Cited:
Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, and Bettina Fabos. Media & Culture: an
introduction to mass communication. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004.

Source: Todd Lappin, “Turning the Page to a Fresh Worldview, ” New York Times, October 4, 1001, p.G9.

Abstract #1~ 3/8/10

The case study article Idiots and Objects: Stereotyping in Advertising addresses the criticism revolving around stereotypes and objectifying in mainstream advertising with how genders and minorities are wrongly portrayed, if they’re portrayed at all (398). The assumption the article makes is that members of society are offended by the way advertising depicts their identities, and that it’s a gross misrepresentation of reality. The article doesn’t specify any sort of criticism, but assumes the reader understands the blanket concept or innuendo. Stereotyping and invisible stereotyping are the buzzwords presented at the nucleus of the article and the author addresses them by presenting their definitions directly. The methods of research include historical evidence of product ads as well as the mention of books that spurred social ideologies to evolve. The methods of argumentation the author is employing are to draw attention to how the sexes-men are idiots when confronted with household appliances and women are objectified as rewards to men for consuming a product- portrayed in mainstream advertising. In my opinion, the shortcomings on this article are that it primarily devotes its focus on the gender-stereotyping being represented in advertising, and doesn’t focus as much attention on minorities being under-represented in media. However, the major contribution this article provides is that it does at least address the controversial topic and suggests that improvements have been made due to the onslaught of criticism companies have endured due to their lack of minority representation in advertising.

Works Cited:
Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, and Bettina Fabos. Media & Culture: an
introduction to mass communication. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simple Pleasure Sunday

So, it's a Sunday I have off and I"m not entirely stressing out! Woo-hoo! It's been a whirlwind the past week, and I keep thinking about that Paul Simon lyric (yes, I'm a dork and am going to reference it :P

There is a girl in New York City,
Who calls herself the human trampoline,
And sometimes when I'm falling flying
Or tumbling in turmoil I say
Whoa so this is what she means

For Starters, It was my one and only analyst's last week on the job, already being down one person. I'm flying solo, and I just need to remember to count to ten and some breathing exercises, and everything will be JUST FINE. It's me and 21 Markets/stations varying between being metered, non-metered, and the 'waaaaaaay too much information going around-and nobody knowing what to do with it', high-maintenance LPM markets. At any rate, I'm trudging through it until I can get somebody in the position. It's going to be a few weeks until that happens (2 wks here, 2 wks there, and trained). So I'm going to have to tackle the Feb10 sweep on my lonesome for the most part. Cue: Lone Ranger Music:

It's a character builder, right?

Thankfully, there hasn't been too much drama at the non-profit. I pretty much go in there and do my thing. Granted, some people call you names (like they know my last name!~ I kid) and inhumane because you can't schedule them in pronto or they feel entitled to free vet care. It's unfortunate our resources are so limited to not handle emergency & low-cost cases, but it's just not possible. We try to offer them other non-profit alternatives (and know their numbers by heart) in hopes that they don't focus on the money but rather their pet. What the clients do with that information is up to them.
I worked a little late last night doing the filing, again. I could use the money, and it needs to get done.

School is on spring break! Woo-hoo!

I'm not going to be lazy about it though. I have plenty of work to catch up on and may try to work on some future assignments. I really want to do well in school, and am trying to devote my good energies towards it. I'm just relieved to have midterms finished, and am nervous about those first couple of grades. My Ideas class was a bit challenging. I'm being re-acquainted with a flow of knowledge (critical thinking) after 4 or 5 years of laying dormant- for the most part. I also think that's because I hadn't really socialized too much with people in the class, so I didn't really have any sort of soundboard to bounce my interpretations off of. However, after class last week, a few of us went to a pub and got to know each other a little bit =0). It was really cool seeing our different backgrounds converging on this same common goal (a Masters in Media Studies), and seeing how the variations of how we *decode* the information we're gathering with grad school.

Now that we're up to speed~ Really quite a therapeutic outlet~ I need to handle my basic maintenance responsibilities ~laundry, vacuuming my room, filing bills. However, it's a Sunday, and it's MY time, so I will try to come up with a fun way of viewing these socially-absorbed tasks :P

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Intellectual Autobiography got an A~ Woo-hoo!

Retrospectively, I realize that my educational and professional paths have uniquely shaped me to this point of contention in choosing between marketing and settling with the comfortable knowledge I’ve already acquired, or pursuing the mysterious explanations and implications of the knowledge that is yet to be discovered. My acceptance of the latter will hopefully perpetuate the development of more efficient media technologies and a more universal responsibility with how they’re utilized. My interest in media was first prompted by studying production and the precision that it demanded. However, the theoretical consequences and regulations behind the media industry incessantly aroused my curiosity. The way society and its regulatory agencies respond to each mediated development piqued my interest, and how the implementation of the newest fads affect social interactions maintain my interest. In Conclusion, I commit my resources and analytical understanding towards investigating a deeper connection of cultures’ relationships with media and the evolutionary consequences within society.

In fall of 2001 at Ohio University, I realized how vital media is in our society when I took an introductory course in mass communication. My instructor was Jeff Smith, and he introduced the concept that the relationship between media and society is reflective: whereas society and media mimic one another whilst raising the bar on how humans are supposed to live and what to be satisfied with. The marvel that fascinated me most was how our society adapts and responds to the ever-changing trends in technology. Subsequently, the message was drilled home when the events of 9/11 prompted our Media Effects professor to have class in the local coffeehouse that day. The reasoning was to witness the impact of media in action. The same horrific images looped on every news channel in front of a helpless audience in southern Ohio. The experience demonstrated to me how permeable people are and how many institutions manipulate media to their advantage. In the weeks that followed, America witnessed the government rushing controversial laws through the judicial system that arguably compromised our constitutional rights to privacy. The following spring, I studied mass communication which had a more in-depth focus on the theories revolving around the phenomenon of media and its effects. Simultaneously, I was enrolled in my first sociology course, and needless to say, I was enthralled by the developments and complexities of society. The combination of my interests in mass communication and my analytical skills of society challenged me to pursue a more in-depth understanding of media.

I transferred to Bowling Green State University in 2003 because it was closer to home, and offered an appealing student-teacher ratio. Fortunately, I found the transition to be extremely beneficial because I decided to declare sociology as my minor. Looking back, it seems that decision cemented my path for a profound understanding of which societies function within the diversity of each culture. I commenced my academic career at Bowling Green State University by registering in the required production courses and a media effects course to fulfill my interests. The production courses enlightened me to the notion that the way a message is presented can carry more weight than the message itself. Additionally, I was enrolled in an international telecommunications class, which assisted in ‘broadening my horizons’ beyond American borders and introduced me to other cultures and concepts of globalization. I then applied my nascent understanding of media effects to an international platform and it felt as though something inside clicked. I felt compelled to further research and would find myself pondering why international media management was so different compared to American media. Furthermore, how different cultures are guided by the variance of strict governmental influences that may censor criticisms and information.

The following fall, I enlisted in a Telecommunications policy & regulation course and Dr. Peter Shields acquainted me with the Panopticon Theory and its impact on an individual’s psyche on a micro level. The concept of NOT having a single sacred moment alone and man’s paranoid habits to loophole the system in avoidance of surveillance fascinates me. During the spring of 2004, I registered in an introductory course in methodology, along with social psychology and several other social theory courses. These courses gave me a great opportunity to see how many other variables affect society, and how media sets a standard that influences the way people think they are supposed to behave. During the same semester, I was employed at the local PBS station, WBGU-PBS, as a “Technical Director” and worked at a Movie Gallery to pay for rent. I would work in the Master Control room at WBGU-PBS, ensuring the programming would go according to the traffic log and ingest beta tapes into the server. Eventually, as I got more familiar with the station, I was trained to run a studio camera and worked with Final Cut Pro Edit. Between my sociology and telecommunications curriculum, Bowling Green State University prepared me to think more critically about social and media research with a hands-on approach. Needless to say, the unity of media research and production culminated my interest in The New School which is why I’m here. The theories and generalizations that are able to be drawn with each innovative technology and how society absorbs it as a social norm continues to intrigue me.

Once my Bachelors Degree was achieved in December 2004, I was left with the challenge of finding an entry-level, media position in the middle of Ohio. After 10 months of fruitless resume emailing/mailing, I understood that I needed to go to the media Nexus. In November 2005, I made an exploratory journey to New York City to seek some advice on how to at least get my foot in the media industry door. A month later, Katz Media Group presented an opportunity to me exploring the media sales facet, thus teaching me the importance of location. I started out as a research analyst, but soon got promoted to a research manager after a year and a half. As a research manager for a TV rep firm, I am fairly confined to quantitative data strictly devoted to drive revenue with limited methodological approaches. It’s a terrific job and I enjoy what I do, but it’s not philanthropically fulfilling and my contribution to society is to legitimize the practice of society’s consumption. Corporate motive teamed with biased legislation to further its agenda makes me feel like a traitor of the human soul.

The knowledge and research habits I hope to gain with the New School experience will propel my talents to contribute positively in the understanding of media and the information age. I first pursued media because I respect and was curious about the production processes and efforts put forth at each level, but it was the theory, research, and law that always kept me intrigued. In the next 10-20 years I hope to be investigating the instant gratifications in the transference of information accelerating our adaptive human capabilities and functionalities. Societal and governmental laws impact society on a macro level, and how the effects of the media they employ affects each individual on a personal micro-level prompts my curiosity. In conclusion, my analytical skills of society teamed with my interests in mass communication validate my further exploration for a deeper understanding that is relative to all cultures.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

my matters of perspective

I'm really trying to maintain that 1/2 glass optimism/pessimism mentality for that Yay!-ness in life, but it's REALLY hard. Time is my friend/foe all at once, and it's horrible! However, I'm learning to make it work WITH ME than AGAINST ME.
I'm going to take it all in stride, and not get overwhelmed. Work sucks right now, oh and it just got even sweeter (much sarcasm) my right-hand/only-hand person resigned on Monday. I'm 2 people down, and I'm the only one still there. I think there's a special hate in god's heart for me. Again, I'm really resisting the urge to turn this blog into an unabashed rant of work. It's just that my job enables me to pay bills/rent and therefore it's at the base of my socially inflicted Maslow's hierarchy.

Okay, so I have to write 7 papers that are due in the next week. It feels really good to be prompted with such a challenge. To be able to really explore/analyze the world around me. 2 are abstracts for my UMS course and the other five are for my Understanding Media: Ideas course which makes me contemplate the different notions of accepting/managing media in its development. The hardest part I find is trying to figure out exactly what to write about. I'll figure it out, I just need to focus and pick up the pace. You know, willing those darn thoughts :P