Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simple Pleasure Sunday

So, it's a Sunday I have off and I"m not entirely stressing out! Woo-hoo! It's been a whirlwind the past week, and I keep thinking about that Paul Simon lyric (yes, I'm a dork and am going to reference it :P

There is a girl in New York City,
Who calls herself the human trampoline,
And sometimes when I'm falling flying
Or tumbling in turmoil I say
Whoa so this is what she means

For Starters, It was my one and only analyst's last week on the job, already being down one person. I'm flying solo, and I just need to remember to count to ten and some breathing exercises, and everything will be JUST FINE. It's me and 21 Markets/stations varying between being metered, non-metered, and the 'waaaaaaay too much information going around-and nobody knowing what to do with it', high-maintenance LPM markets. At any rate, I'm trudging through it until I can get somebody in the position. It's going to be a few weeks until that happens (2 wks here, 2 wks there, and trained). So I'm going to have to tackle the Feb10 sweep on my lonesome for the most part. Cue: Lone Ranger Music:

It's a character builder, right?

Thankfully, there hasn't been too much drama at the non-profit. I pretty much go in there and do my thing. Granted, some people call you names (like they know my last name!~ I kid) and inhumane because you can't schedule them in pronto or they feel entitled to free vet care. It's unfortunate our resources are so limited to not handle emergency & low-cost cases, but it's just not possible. We try to offer them other non-profit alternatives (and know their numbers by heart) in hopes that they don't focus on the money but rather their pet. What the clients do with that information is up to them.
I worked a little late last night doing the filing, again. I could use the money, and it needs to get done.

School is on spring break! Woo-hoo!

I'm not going to be lazy about it though. I have plenty of work to catch up on and may try to work on some future assignments. I really want to do well in school, and am trying to devote my good energies towards it. I'm just relieved to have midterms finished, and am nervous about those first couple of grades. My Ideas class was a bit challenging. I'm being re-acquainted with a flow of knowledge (critical thinking) after 4 or 5 years of laying dormant- for the most part. I also think that's because I hadn't really socialized too much with people in the class, so I didn't really have any sort of soundboard to bounce my interpretations off of. However, after class last week, a few of us went to a pub and got to know each other a little bit =0). It was really cool seeing our different backgrounds converging on this same common goal (a Masters in Media Studies), and seeing how the variations of how we *decode* the information we're gathering with grad school.

Now that we're up to speed~ Really quite a therapeutic outlet~ I need to handle my basic maintenance responsibilities ~laundry, vacuuming my room, filing bills. However, it's a Sunday, and it's MY time, so I will try to come up with a fun way of viewing these socially-absorbed tasks :P

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